The economy is just a means to an end… (cartoon #20)
Although it seems like we always want the “economy to grow” and to make more money, it is good to remember that the economy is just a means to an end, not the end itself. In the words of the triple bottom line (environment, society, economy), the economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the environment and we have to take care of the environment that supports us. Watch our video on the Triple Bottom Line (on Youtube) for more on the subject. The original idea for this cartoon was suggested by Ted Jan Post.
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– When reading the non-verbal elements and the verbal language of the cartoon, we observe that the author addresses an issue relevant to our planet: the economy and the environment.
– In the cartoon, we notice father and son sitting on piles of money, in the background of the cartoon a devastated forest.
– When analyzing the father’s speech “At least we made a lot of money before destroying the environment …”, we realized that he used the verb “made”. The intention is to show that, in the past, they did something creative in the midst of all the current destruction.
– According to the non-verbal language (the boy’s facial expression), we see that he is concerned about something.
– In the previous moment, they made a lot of money, but now it’s worthless, because see the son’s speech:
– “Yeah! What’s for dinner, Daddy?”
– Realize the link between the past and the future.
– In the previous moment they created a lot of value, they accumulated a lot of money, but now all these piles of money have no value, they, the father and the son, have nothing for dinner, they have nothing to eat.
– Although it seems like we always want the “economy to grow” and to make more money, it is good to remember that the economy is just a means to an end, not the end itself. In the words of the triple bottom line (environment, society, economy), the economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the environment and we have to take care of the environment that supports us.
– So, the cartoon dialogues with the following excerpt from the text that states that what we do today may have implications for the lives of people and the planet in the future.
Dear Alex,
can you write down what the interpretation of this cartoon is?
Thank you!
Dear Alex,
can you write down what the interpretation of this cartoon is? (analysis)
Thank you!
This is just a way of highliting that we can’t reasonably prioritize the economy to the detriment of the environment. We have to take care of both.
Dear Alex,
I’m working on a presentation about plastic pollution. While your cartoon does not address that issue directly, it does indirectly and I’m trying to put in a slide that will be a “breather” for the dark topic of plastic pollution. It looks like you are happy to have people use your images – is that correct?
Thanks so much for everything you are doing!
Yes, you are most welcome to share the cartoons as long as you give credit for them. I am glad it’s helpful!