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Communicating sustainability visually & effectively (webinar, Oct.1st, 2014)

By October 6, 2014January 16th, 2019Communication

Communicating sustainability visually & effectively

On October 1st I ran a free webinar on “Communicating sustainability visually & effectively” hosted by The Natural Step Canada. I have been working as a sustainability consultant for almost 10 years and I am also an illustrator. During this webinar I introduced the idea that engaging the right brain (intuition, holistic thinking) in addition to the left brain (linear and analytical thinking) can be an effective way to communicate sustainability. I also offered some free tools to to do that such as: short my Sustainability Illustrated animation videos, newsletters, YouTube channel, social networks where I post images and videos, etc. I also suggest a book by Jonah Sacks, founder of Freerange studio, called “Winning the story wars” as a great tool to tell stories that that inspire people to act and share in today’s overcrowded media marketplace.

If you are interested in webinars on other sustainability topics, make sure you check out the recordings of The Natural Step Canada’s pasts webinars:

You can watch the recording of the webinar above and on

Alexandre Magnin

I attended the webinar below yesterday and enjoyed it a lot.
I register for webinars frequently but often end up dropping out. This one was really informative, merci!

Delphine Renié, Senior Learning Specialist, Leadership Training

Alexandre did a great job in inspiring me to develop my communication around sustainability with more illustrations and visuals. I felt his topic would fit very well as part of a sustainability communications course at MSLS. I also liked the way he framed the need for more visuals regarding communicating from a right brain perspective. Since my thesis in MSLS was about the need for a new sustainability communication based on values rather than mere facts "The stories we tell: designing values oriented narratives of radical change initiatives" I could very well relate to the topic of speaking to the heart and not only the mind in our sustainability communication if we want to engage people for real systems change.

So, a huge thank you for offering this course and may our roads meet again sometime!

Erica Scott, Masters for Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability, 2014
Alex Magnin

Alex Magnin is a sustainability consultant and illustrator, the founder of AM Creative Inc. and the creator of Sustainability Illustrated. He creates animation videos and cartoons to illustrate sustainable change using years of experience drawing and working as a sustainability consultant with businesses and communities.

One Comment

  • Simon Harvey says:

    Thanks for this Alex,
    We had Michael Field (ex Interface Australia who worked actively with Ray Anderson and The Natural Step) present to our Fit for the Future conference in 2012 on this same topic. The 25 minute video of his engaging keynote presentation might be add good value to this webinar for your participants. You’ll find it on the TNSNZ vimeo website here –


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